Hi, I’m Scot Butwell.


I started The Writing Booth because I’m passionate about writing and helping others get started on their writing journey.


I write on Medium.com and facilitate a writing group called Story Nerds, where we comment on the craft of writing in each other’s stories. I have a YouTube channel dedicated to the craft of online writing.


On this video, my brother and I share our views on what makes a good headline for a blog post, and we critique each other’s headlines in stories we’ve written.  One important thing about the headline is that people look at it for 1.4 seconds, so it needs to be good to grab reader’s attention.

On this video, I talk about advice I got from an article by Kelly Eden, editor of the Inspired Writer publication on Medium.com.

I hope these tips will be helpful for you.

On this video I share one interesting thing to incorporate into your writing.  It might be something you never thought would make a difference.  Check it out.

A lot of writers struggle with finishing what they start.  Maybe it’s procrastination, you lose focus or you lose your train of thought.

 In this video, I discuss some strategies to overcome obstacles to finishing what you start. 

It’s easy to forget to stop and celebrate your writing.  You don’t have to wait until the project is over.  Celebrate each small win as you go.  A winning headline.  A great sentence.  A completed paragraph.  Check out this video if you need to be reminded to celebrate.